Floratine Research Update: Ana-Lync Soil Expert System
Brigham Young University, Utah, USA
July 29, 2016
Floratine released the results of their study conducted earlier this year at Brigham Young University in Utah. The study showed that Ana-Lync was adept at identifying nutrient deficiencies in turf and that the accompanying Floratine product applications resulted in statistically significant better health. The researchers also saw better nutrient density as described in the study overview.
Stadium Grow Lighting Officially Partners with Growing Innovations
Sportsfield Management Magazine
April 12, 2016
Let there be light — on athletic fields, that is. Stadium Grow Lighting, a worldwide leader in supplemental lighting technology for natural grass, announced that it has partnered with Growing Innovations, an American-based support firm.

Floratine Products Group partners with Growing Innovations
Lawn & Landscape Magazine
October 30, 2015
COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – Floratine Products Group has announced a new partnership with Growing Innovations, aneducator in natural grass management, to develop new products and services specifically for the sports turf industry.
Fraze Mowing with Campey-Imants at University of Missouri
Mizzou Network: Athletic Department In-Depth
September 08, 2014
Josh McPherson, the director of Sports Turf Management, wanted to find an environmentally friendly way to improve the condition of the soccer field and make it more durable. What he found was a European process called fraze mowing. Learn about this cutting edge technique that all the professional teams in Europe use.