Field Surface Testing
Data diagnosis of a natural grass field surface provides an objective evaluation of the condition. Data points to be collected on a grass field are:
Infiltration rate: Rate at which rain (or irrigation) water will soak into the soil
Shock absorption: The ability of a surface to absorb the impact of a player running on the surface (measured in % absorbed)
Energy Restitution: Measure of amount of energy is returned to the player through the surface. (measured in % returned)
Vertical Deformation: Stability of a surface to give or deform as a player runs across it (measured in mm)
Rotational Resistance: Strength of the surface for a player to keep traction as the cut and turn (measured in Newton meters)

Plant Activity Mapping
Technology in plant activity sensors allow mapping of a natural grass field surface. Reduced plant activity correlates with increased soil compaction and decreased nutrient availability. Using plant activity mapping allows a reduction of overall inputs and creates an objective blueprint for what exactly the field needs.

Soil Testing
Soil nutrient testing is vital for proper turfgrass health. Turfgrass, much like a human, needs a balanced diet of nutrients. Soil testing provides a diagnosis of the needed nutrients and creates a baseline for a full season dietary plant for the grass. A fertilizer plan is incomplete and potentially wasteful without using a soil test as a roadmap